Live Daily Support From Panache - Stop Simply Surviving and Begin to Thrive!


January Soul Support – 2016

Begins January 1st

Start off the New Year by giving yourself the gift of vibrational expansion and move into greater levels of self-belief and self-love.

If you’ve ever listened to a call with Panache, participated in a live event, or experienced the power of his 21 Day Ultimate Energy Immersion, you’ve experienced the power of his transformational gift of Divine grace. What if you could benefit from that same energy month-to-month and work toward a permanent breakthrough in your life? Now you can! In 2016, Panache is offering a yearlong Soul Support program on a monthly basis – when you need it, as you need it.

Soul Support 2016 delivers a progressive level of Divine grace that empowers you to break free of your struggles and suffering while experiencing the power of vibrational expansion to move into greater levels of self-belief and self-love.

In the month of January, Panache lays the vibrational foundation for a powerful year of expansion. The nature of your reality is infinite. You keep experiencing the same finite outcomes because you’re holding onto the past, afraid, and encumbered by your conditioning. All of these fear-based states keep you from aligning with the greater evolutionary and expansive impulse of creation.

January Soul Support Programming:

  • 1-New 60-minte Webcast “You Are Not Your Struggles”
  • 4-20 minute audio meditation recordings to help you lay the foundation for a year of expansion

Shift your choke-hold from past struggles and align with your essential nature which is love, abundance, health and connection. Panache’s gift of Divine grace accelerates and quickens your ability to access the truth of your being and experience your limitless potential. Don’t miss this month’s powerful messages as Panache provides the Soul Support you need to shift out of struggle and suffering and connect with the limitless nature of who you truly are.