13 Jul How To Forgive And Let Go
Are you still carrying within you the burdens of the past? Things that have happened to you that you simply just can’t forgive or move on from?
As much as you may be justified in holding onto these things… In actuality, it’s just further keeping you trapped in limitation. As long as you’re holding onto the slights or the traumas of the past, you can’t be available for the love and the blessings that are arising in the present and the glorious life that is emerging in the future.
You must cultivate the ability to experience and feel everything you have inside of you around what has happened, so that you can get to a place of neutrality and abide in this ever-present expansion that is wanting to unfold deep within you.
How can you reconcile everything within you that you believe you need to forgive? Try this exercise:
- Grab a piece of paper and a pen.
- Jot down a painful or traumatic experience that you’ve had in your life.
- Write down the particulars, the details (whatever unfolded)—just commit it to paper.
- Jot down a couple of sentences about what happened and what you specifically experienced.
- Be with what you’ve written down on the page and acknowledge what happened.
This exercise will allow you to create a connection or a doorway through which resolution and completion can begin to occur in your experience. You’re giving your density an outlet for expression.
What we do not bring into the light of our awareness controls us. This brave, courageous first step of committing words to the page is actually a doorway to bring that which is unconscious into the light of our conscious awareness, and that, simply stated, is how forgiveness, at the deepest level, unfolds within us.
Continue to abide in this and continue to participate in setting yourself free from the past.
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Hi beloved Friends, It’s Panache!
Many of you are still carrying within you the burdens of the past—things that have happened to you that you simply just can’t forgive or move on from.
I want you to know that as much as you may be justified in holding onto these things—that in truth, actually all they are serving or all they’re accomplishing to do is further keep you trapped in limitation.
As long as you’re holding onto the slights of the past or the traumas of the past, you can’t be available for the love and the blessings that are arising in the present and the glorious life that is emerging in the future.
It is for that reason that you must cultivate the ability to experience and feel everything that you have to inside of you around what has happened so that you can get to a place of neutrality and so that you can abide in this ever present expansion that is wanting to unfold deep within you.
So right now I want to provide you with a tangible exercise that you can do in this moment to begin to help you reconcile everything within your life that you believe you need to forgive.
People, for the most part, are acting unconsciously. That means that they’re not even aware of what it is that they’re doing.
Hurt people hurt people in turn.
And it is for that reason that we as conscious beings must end the cycle of hurt and hate by relinquishing whatever it is that we’re holding onto as it relates to the past so that we can be free.
So what I want you to do right now is to grab a piece of paper and a pen. I’m just gonna give you a few seconds to go ahead and get everything that you need and what I would like you to do is to begin to jot down a painful experience or traumatic experience that you’ve had in your life.
It can be something that has happened to you that you have deemed to be unforgivable—like abuse, abandonment, or rejection in the worst way. Somebody did something to you that was so unconscionable, that it is forever impacted you.
I want you to find whatever that one thing is and write it down. And for those of you that haven’t had the intensity of those experiences, I can guarantee you that there is still one thing from your past that you’re holding onto.
Regardless of how you perceive it and regardless of the level of intensity, or the intensity of feeling that you have around it, just take a moment and just jot it down. I would like to know from your perspective, what happened. Just simply write down the particulars, write down the details, write down whatever unfolded—just commit it to paper.
There’s something magical that happens when we can begin to allow consciousness, or a stream of consciousness to flow through us in the form of the written word—something that I’ve lovingly come to call purge writing.
You know there are so many things that have occurred to us that we’ve internalized, that out of fear of being abandoned or rejected, or out of fear of not being loved, we won’t even share with those people that are closest to us.
The good news is that we don’t have to. We just need to create a conscious creative outlet for the feelings that we have repressed or suppressed and denied within us.
Ultimately, my beloved friend, that which you hold onto, limits you. That which you refuse to feel, keeps you stuck in a reality that doesn’t allow you to receive.
And so just jot down a couple of sentences about what happened, about what specifically you experienced and in jotting down these words on the page, you’re now creating a connection or a doorway through which resolution and completion can begin to occur in your experience and most importantly of all, where you can come back to a place of harmony and love inside of your own heart.
Just continue to just jot some stuff down. I know many of you right now, your hand’s just moving on the page and everything’s just streaming out of you. Just let it. It’s okay. What we’re doing is giving our density an outlet for expression.
What if I can’t forgive? What if what happened to me was so intense that in some way has left me damaged or broken? What if I will never be able to be loved again because of what happened or never be able to be vulnerable or intimate again because of the trauma and the pain that I’ve experienced that quite honestly had nothing to do with me. I was the end result of the trauma and victimhood and hurtfulness and pain of another human being. It’s not my fault Panache, I’m tired and I want to move on.
These are sentiments that I know all too well my beloved friends.
Now what I want you to do is just simply be with what you have written down on the page. For some of you, this may be the first time that you’ve acknowledged to yourself what happened. For some of you, this memory or this occurrence has been so painful that you’ve filed it away in the back of your memory banks never to see the light of day.
Well I want you to know that that which we do not bring into the light of our awareness controls us. This brave courageous act, this brave courageous first step of committing words to the page is actually an entrée or a doorway to bring that which is unconscious into the light of our conscious awareness and that simply stated is how forgiveness at the deepest level unfolds within us.
For some of you right now, that may be “I was abused”. For some of you that may be “I was adopted”, “my mother gave me away” and for some of you that may be “I stayed in an abusive relationship where my child was in danger because I was living with somebody who was volatile”.
For some of you, that may be “somebody financially cheated me” and for others of you that may be a sexual violation of some kind or a lifetime of being bullied.
Whatever it is my beloved friends the first step is to acknowledge it. The truth always sets us free and in this moment I want you to know that it is 100% safe for you to begin to open the door because there is so much love and so much grace and so much presence right now that is wanting to support you and it’s wanting to lift this burden off of you.
I’m sorry that you went through what you went through and I want you to know that you no longer need to carry the weight of what happened around with you.
Come back to this, revisit it; be with the words that you’ve committed to the page; allow more words to flow. Consciously engage in a purge writing practice where you just simply think of the event and allow your hand to move on the page.
You, my beloved friend, by virtue, of the fact that you’re here—are being given an opportunity to relinquish the past, to move on from it and most importantly of all, move beyond the question of “What if I can’t forgive? ”.
This simply allowing forgiveness in its authentic and most real form to occur by bringing it into being, by allowing yourself to translate the experience into feeling and by most importantly of all opening your heart once again to love.
I want to thank you for the courage that it takes to acknowledge what once happened to you. I know it isn’t easy and I want you to know that as a result of your courage, you’ll be supported by the energy and by grace to move on from that which you once believed you would never move on from.
I love you with all of my heart, I’m here for you. Thank you for being here. Continue to abide in this and continue to participate in setting yourself free from the past.
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