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Putting the Sacred Back in the Holidays

We’re days away from the kick-off to the 2015 holiday season. In our home, my wife’s grocery list was drafted and checked off weeks ago. The pantry’s contents were reorganized and all baking essentials that were old were tossed. Shopping was completed. Without consciously seeing it, Jan’s already begun to bump up against her need to create the perfect holiday, all stemming from the ghost of holidays past. The Thanksgivings and Christmases that fell short. The arguments that can never be taken back. The gifts that were never received. The love that was never shared and the tears that never seemed to end.

One of my singular joys has been to free her from the ghosts of holidays past. This December, we will have been married seven years. Together we have created new holiday traditions, ones that are rooted in love and truly reflect our union. We are living proof that you don’t have to keep repeating the same unconscious holiday patterns over and over again.

Outside our back door sits a beautiful white marble Jain Buddha and as of last week it is flanked by Olaf, a mesh-lit dancing snowman from the movie Frozen. Behind it all stands a tall bark tree covered in multicolored lights, empty of needles, leaves or any of the typical dressing a traditional Christmas tree exhibits.

Somewhere in the midst of these icons resides the perfect balance of how we can gracefully navigate our way through the holidays. The centeredness of the Buddha, the infectious joy of Olaf and the ever-present reminder of the light that lives within us all as expressed by the tree.

So as you prepare to celebrate, I invite you to open to a greater level of sacredness. Recognize your own singular empowerment. You have a choice. Either relive the same experience over and over again, or create a new, more resonant and loving way to gather together during the holidays.

  •  Recognize your triggers
  •  Feel your feelings
  •  Choose differently

I am honored to share with you this holiday activation from one of my life teleclasses to support you in freeing yourself of the ghosts of Christmas past.

Click here to access the replay.