10 Jun September Soul Support – 2017
Online Program
September Soul Support – 2017
Begins September 1, 2017
Because you have been conditioned to be in control, surrender is a concept that is sometimes difficult to accept. When you are out of control you feel fearful and you want to control the situation. This happens as a result of a lack of trust in the divine. Out of a state of separation comes a lack of trust.
Trust requires you to see that this life is not under your control and that its unfolding, its expansion and its evolution is the divine will playing out. When you are in connection, surrender becomes an effortless reality, but when you live in separation, you judge everything that happens as good or bad. Life is happening to you, instead of the reality of for you. You become the victim of life and events.
In connection you see that all that happens is the perfect expansion of divine will. Everything is happening for the expansion of divinity; bliss, peace, fulfillment, love, abundance and well-being. Surrender is allowing and accepting. Surrender dissolves resistance and suffering. It flows in alignment with divinity.
September Soul Support Programming:
- One New 60-Minute Webcast: The Blessing and Gift of Surrender
- Four 20-Minute Audio Recording Meditations
- Releasing control and moving into surrender
- Trusting in the perfection of life
- Accepting all that happens as expanding divinity
- Surrendering into oneness
- Deepening Vibrational Support Tool
- Inspirational Mantra and Visual
- Live 30-Minute Online Group Transcendence Session with Panache
Soul Support delivers a progressive level of divine grace that empowers you to break free of your struggles and suffering while experiencing the power of vibrational expansion to move into greater levels of self-belief and self-love. Panache offers new online programs and materials each month so that you may access the support you need when it is most convenient for you.