05 Oct Webcast Series: The Power of Love – 3 Part Series Bundle
THE TRILOGY: Crazy Love, The Power of Love, One Love
Each of these three 60-minute Livestreams establishes a new vibrational benchmark within your being. Through activations, alignments, and attunements, as well as Divinely-inspired wisdom, your participation will pave the way for a profound shift from a very limited way of experiencing life into an ever-expansive doorway of allowing.
Part 1: Panache begins the series by integrating CRAZY LOVE. Assimilate old wounds, unforgivable hurts, and past notions of what love is or should be and lay a vibrational foundation for a transcendent experience of love.
Part 2: Panache establishes the new set-point of vibrational resonance within your being for THE POWER OF LOVE. Through a powerful activation and universal alignment you are placed in the resonance and flow of Divine love, a transcendent form of love that exists beyond name and form as the sum vibrational total of all creation.
Part 3: ONE LOVE anchors the universal energies and the cohesive nature of Divine love within you and amplifies your capacity to reside in the continual infinite transmission and receptivity of love.
Participating in this contemporary series is the fastest way to break free of your old stories, your unwillingness to forgive, past heartaches, current roadblocks and any dissatisfaction or disappointment in life as it has shown up thus far, as you peel back the veil of separation and allow the purifying presence of love to vibrationally elevate all that you are.